
27 November 2022  

How To // You too - narrazioni dal contemporaneo con Robert Pettena

A cura TAI -Tuscan Art Industry

Studiocorte, via Genova 17/4, Prato.

Alla conquista dell'inutile 
Un invito a muoversi verso una rinnovata comprensione degli spazi, che si inserisce all’interno di una nuova dimensione che è quella dello spostamento dell’arte contemporanea verso spazi indistinti, non deputati all’esposizione. Partendo da due elementi base, il paesaggio e l’architettura, il lavoro di Robert Pettena mette il pubblico di fronte a dei dispositivi relazionali, rendendolo suscettibile dell’accadimento. È così che il racconto di Robert si snoda tra elementi e immagini di varia natura, tanto distanti tra loro quanto vicine nella dimensione dell’inatteso e della purezza di sguardo, che l’artista ricerca nei luoghi meno noti, e per questo più affascinanti, di cui è popolato il territorio italiano. “Questo è il momento di tornare agli spazi della memoria con l’occhio pulito dopo anni di militanza nel contemporaneo.”

>>> Ascolta il talk
>>> Leggi l’intervista

27 November 2022  

Ore 10:30 - Ingresso gratuito su prenotazione


A cura di Vittoria Ciolini. Organizzato da Dryphoto arte contemporanea

Villa San Leonardo al Palco, Via del Palco, 228, Prato.

"Le forme dell’acqua si propone come luogo ideale in cui l’arte diventa catalizzatore di una riflessione più profonda sulla relazione tra essere umano e ambiente".

Sarà un momento di restituzione dove i diversi attori coinvolti mostreranno opere, progetti, riflessioni partendo dai quali sarà possibile aprire un confronto con: Stefano Boccalini, artista, docente di Arte Pubblica alla NABA di Milano, direttore artistico di Ca’Mon (centro di comunità per l’arte e l’artigianato della montagna), Monno, Brescia; Giuliano Di Gaetano, direttore del Museo Centro per le Acque del Gran Sasso; Andrea Abati, artista e fondatore di Dryphoto; Robert Pettena, artista e professore all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze.

>>> Guarda il video della conferenza

15 -18 September  2022

Opening 15 September at 11:00 am

Robert Pettena - Guerre des Rêves

Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2022

Suburbia Contemporary, Calle de València, 345, 08009 Barcelona.

Robert Pettena investigates fictional regimes and how they affect social life to the point of making us doubt reality. These new divisions between reality and fiction also condition the circulation between the individual imaginary (dreams), the collective imaginary (myths, rites, symbols) and the work of fiction.

27 January 2022

Robert Pettena - Noble Explosion

Osservatorio arte e industria / Sostenibilità, Arte contemporanea e patrimonio industriale

TAI Tuscan Art Industry, Progetto @sc17_studiocorte_17

Il progetto Nobel Explosion presenta un'ampia ricognizione fotografica sui siti Sipe Nobel mettendo in risalto il valore compositivo delle architetture industriali degli stabilimenti e la loro controversa eredità sul territorio italiano.

Alfred Nobel, imprenditore e filantropo, noto come l'ideatore dell'omonimo premio, fu anche e soprattutto l'inventore della dinamite. Nei primi anni settanta dell'ottocento Nobel giunse in italia per istallare i suoi impianti di produzione di esplosivi, dando vita alla SIPE NOBEL SPA. Robert Pettena compie un' avvincente indagine sulla storia e sui paradossi di una delle figure più complesse del secondo ottocento.

12 November  2021

Talk with Robert Pettena "Un-mappable zones for a de-colonisation of space and mind"

Suburbia Contemporary, Carrer de Valencia 345, Barcelona. 

Instagram live on @suburbiacontemporary.

Robert Pettena focused research on mapping historic Florentine gardens, both existent and full of evocative statues; and no longer existent, such as the Tivoli Gardens. In the Boboli Gardens, he came across post-Renaissance statues of games, including a long-forgotten game called Sacco Mazzone. This involved blindfolded participants trying to hit each other with a piece of cloth. He performed this game for the first time in the Manifesta Exhibition in Palermo near the Botanic Gardens in the center of Palermo, where illegal horse and cart races sometimes take place at sunrise. He and his fellow performer wore jockey outfits and wielded their pieces of cloth like horsewhips.Robert Pettena’s work, like the gardens, is in a state of continuous evolution, a progressive way of working, including videos, installations, and photos. The fragments of terracotta that he made from the ruins of the Tivoli gardens are like fragments of time.

10 November - 10 December 2021
Opening 10 November at 17:00h

Gioco del Saccomazzone, Robert Pettena. 

City Screen 2021 - Loop Barcelona
Suburbia Contemporary, Carrer de Valencia 345, Barcelona.

Saccomazzone is a game of seventeenth-century origins where two players on a pedestal hit each other with a strip of cloth while maintaining a constant distance between them. Whoever is hit the most loses. This game, very popular in the past, is often present in paintings and sculptures. In the Boboli Gardens in Florence there is a statue of Saccomazzone players, sculpted by Orazio Mochi in 1620 based on a drawing by Romolo del Tadda.

15-19 September 2021   
Inauguration at 17:00h

Urban Environment and Imaginary Space.

Suburbia Contemporary, Carrer de Valencia 345, Barcelona.

Suburbia Contemporary opens its doors in a new space in Barcelona on the 15th of September 2021 with the group exhibition: Urban Environment and Imaginary Space, with the works of: Jake Aikman, Ako Atikossie, Han Bing, Anna Marzuttini, Sepideh Mehraban, Natalie Paneng, Eliel David Pérez Martínez, Robert Pettena, Jaime Poblete, Jacob van Schalkwyk, Lucy Jane Turpin

Based in Barcelona, Spain, Suburbia Contemporary presents points of radical similarity between different cultures and artistic traditions from across the globe. The gallery opened in 2017 in Granada in order to gather artists from a variety of cultural backgrounds and geographical locations together in one place. It launched Satellite spaces in Cape Town (2019) and Florence (2020), creating contact between the East, West, North and South. Exhibition programs evolved and engaged critically with antique and traditional knowledge, secret languages and artistic practice of the future.

23 August 2021   
Opening at 19:00h

Tivoli Garden by Robert Pettena. Online Exhibition.

Aknoon Art Gallery, www.AknoonArtGallery.com

These are casts of the many decorative features which adorn the gates and garden walls of the Florentine villas, once part of the old Tivoli Gardens no longer in existence. I was drawn in by this fantasy garden of wonders, right beside the historical Boboli Gardens, and I began to cast objects using damp clay. During the journey home in my rucksack the castings became distorted, bringing to mind  the idea of the temporary nature of time and space and the way that time distorts memory.

18 June - 31 December 2021   
Inauguration at 18:00h

Archivi e topografie immaginarie, curated by Robert Pettena.

PIA-Palazzina Indiano Arte, Piazzale dell’Indiano 1, 50144 – Florence.

Archivi e topografie immaginarie exhibition takes place, a photographic and narrative mapping of the embankment and the Cascine, curated by Robert Pettena.
The exhibition will be inaugurated on Friday 18 June, at 18:00, at PIA-Palazzina Indiano Arte (Piazzale dell’Indiano 1, 50144 – Florence) and will be open until 31 December 2021.

The works of Mengxue Cao, Zechuan Chen, Ay Awo Endo, Zi Hui Gao, Xin He, Yi Liu, Yixiao Lu, Claudia Mazziotti, Elena Pellegrini, Davide Vaccaro, Shiyu Wang, Xin Wang, Yun Zhang, Xin Zhou, Ying Zhu are exhibited.

18 June  2021

Talk “Botanica Temporanea, from planning to participation. The garden as a community practice”

Manifattura Tabacchi, Via delle Cascine 33-35, 50144 Firenze.

h 18:30 – Talk “Botanica Temporanea, from planning to participation. The garden as a community practice” with Antonio Perazzi (Landscape designer and founder of Studio Perazzi), Anna Lambertini (Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture), Robert Pettena (Visual Artist). Gregory Eve (CEO of GreenApes) will moderate the panel.
h 21:30 – Cinema | Secret Screening (original versione, sub. ita)

18 June - 10 July 2021   
Inauguration at 17:00h

Solo nel deserto, curated by Robert Pettena and Stefano Giuri.

Manifattura Tabacchi, Via delle Cascine 33-35, 50144 Firenze.

Solo nel Deserto, the students collective of the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence born during the Workshop curated by Stefano Giuri and Robert Pettena, aims to observe the spaces of Manifattura Tabacchi and its neighborhood, to consider them as democratic spaces that create habits, visions and wairs.
The photographs, the sound interventions and the installations create a narrative mapping of places and people who trace their cultural memory value precisely through the passage of documentation.

The works of Gaia Casarano, Cosimo Ermini, Zhe Huang, Xin He, Zhenlong Jiang, Dinara Kamzina, Cui Li, Yuchen Li, Jiayang Li, Federico Niccolai, Federica Ricci, Chiara Salvini, Pan Shilu, Xiaoyuan Tang, Davide Vaccaro, Lu Zheng, Cao Zhihao, Huang Junsheng, Yuantong Ma, Wang Qing, Marco Baldini are exhibited.

29 March - 26 July 2021  


Curated by Alberto Ceresoli.

Suburbia Contemporary è partner della terza edizione di rassegna online di videoarte. Con l'impegno curatoriale di Francesco Ozzola, gli artisti Mabel Palacin, Natalie Paneng, Robert Pettena, Kgotlelelo Sekiti, Jacob Van Schalkwyk, sono stati invitati dallo spazio di ricerca torinese per l'online group exhibition che ha coinvolto 50 artisti con background e percorsi di ricerca riconosciuti internazionalmente, chiamati per dare corpo alla piattaforma che da Marzo a Luglio 2021 ospiterà le 50 opere video selezionate.

Il progetto di rassegna è reso possibile grazie al sostegno di Bergamo Smart City & Community e del Comune di Bergamo. 

3-22 February 2021   


DryPhoto Arte Contemporanea, Via delle Segherie, Prato (FI).

Tre nuove installazioni artistiche da Dryphoto in via delle Segherie a Prato per il progetto Urban Story. Saranno visibili da oggi fino al prossimo 22 febbraio. Le opere sono firmate da Robert Pettena, R.E.P. Revolutionary Experimental Space e Valentina Lapolla.

"San Giorgio e il drago" The Dragon and Saint George" di Robert Pettena è l’azione che l’artista ha fatto nella città di Prato nel 2012 per il progetto Anno del Drago. 

December 2020-April 2021   


Curated by Matteo Coluccia.

“È solo una mostra viaggiante dentro a un furgone.  Non abbiamo nulla di scritto per volontà condivisa. A ogni mostra arriva sempre qualcuno che ci lascia un’opera. Scarichiamo, allestiamo, fotografiamo e ogni volta che riimballiamo ci sono sempre cose in più!”

Le Polke ad oggi sono state 6. Partite da VillaCostanza il 20 dicembre 2020. Sono proseguite all’Abetone  in gennaio, a Roma e Bologna in febbraio, a Mondello il 29 marzo ed ora si stanno spostando sono in una love boat della Grimandi sul Tirreno.

Il Covid-19? (Con tutte le dovute precauzioni): POLKA PUTTANA! L’arte e gi artisti comunque non si fermano.

14 August 2020  


Satellite Florence, Viale Eleonora Duse, 30 - 50137

Opening hours: Friday 15.30 / 19.30 or by appointment.

Suburbia, Satellite and on this occasion “Surroundings” – find in their first letter “S” a serpentine, non-linear, sinuous, telluric movement, oriented towards the experimentation of the unexpected, unscheduled, original, multiple and sensitive form.

Exhibiting artists: Jake Aikman, Michelangelo Consani, Bonolo Kavula, Sepideh Mehraban, Mabel Palacín, Robert Pettena, Jaime Poblete, Jacob Van Schalkwyk, Shakil Solanki.

14 August 2020  

Robert Pettena Solo Exhibition Un-Mappable Zones

Aknoon Art Gallery, Isfahan, n. 9 Harir Dead road Afshin Alley st., Khaghani St, Iran

Online Show starts at 6pm, on the 14th of August

30 May 2020  

Robert Pettena. Federica Fiumelli Interview

Instagram IGTV

18 April 2020  

Surroundings | Satellite Florence

Satellite project space in Florence
Viale Eleonora Duse, 30, 50137, Firenze.

Artists – who often live in inhospitable places, like nomads – are resilient people. They often find treasure in the most insignificant detail, become obsessive in their creative attempts, producing pleasures which improve the quality of life of society. The way the artists perceive their environment doesn’t just depend on the conditions they experience. Artistic perception is altered by past cultural output, by the memories of stories telling the creation of the environment, and the objects and people within it. Extensions of lives interlink in continuous visions and imaginations that define them. Their many different points of view – coloured by diverse cultural backgrounds – together create a multitude of varied experiences: Satellite a multifarious experience, wherein the environment and the expression of it intra-connects, if only for a moment, at a specific location.

Florence / Cape Town 9.3.2020 Robert Pettena, Jaco Van Schalkwyk

29 - 31 January 2020  

Workshop with Robert Pettena.

Manifattura Tabacchi, Via delle Cascine 33-35, 50144 Firenze.

Robert Pettena focused his workshop on mapping historic Florentine gardens, with a project that aimed at reactivating these parks through numerous walks there. “Lose yourself in the spaces of these gardens, make them live again in a new way and alter the perception of them. This action teaches you to live with your senses within an environment, reading the place differently and reactivating the dormant wonders of these historic gardens.

During the course of the three days, Robert Pettena took the artists to visit Villa La Quiete, Villa La Petraia, the Boboli Gardens and the Demidoff gardens, so that they could take in evocative stimuli that each of them would transfer into a specific work of art. These would add a new dimension to the historical wonders within these places.

29 January 2020  
Talk at 19:00h.

La meraviglia TALKS / Robert Pettena.

Manifattura Tabacchi, Via delle Cascine 33-35, 50144 Firenze.

> Watch the video

For this edition of La Meraviglia TALKS, Robert Pettena drew on his own work by presenting a collection of images and videos closely related to the workshop on historic Florentine gardens, which he held with the artists in residence.‘Un-mappable zones for a de-colonisation of space and mind’, the title of this workshop, is an invitation to think again about how we comprehend spaces, placing us within a curious new dimension that transports contemporary art to indistinct spaces, which were not originally designed to host exhibitions.

The talk from Robert wound its way through elements and images of varying natures, although very different from one another, all sharing the same intrigue and attention that the artist searches out in the lesser known, and all the more fascinating, places that populate the Italian landscape. “It’s time we returned to these places from our collective memory and looked at them with fresh eyes, after years of militancy in the contemporary world.

29 January - 25 March 2020  
Opening 29 January at 19:00h

SUPER CAVALLI by Super Summer Extra Pomeriggio, curated by Stefano Giuri.

TOAST Project Space, Via delle Cascine 33-35, 50144 Firenze.

> See the project

The parade, which has always been ostentatiously solemn and pompous, emblematic of a show of magnificence, simultaneously acts as a vehicle for a show of shared involvement. The interest of this collective is piqued by cases where the order of multitude becomes broken, where the journey from magnificence to ramshackle manifests, giving life to meanings that are out of control, rendering every parade an episode in itself. Horses, chimeric matrices, fetishes of art and literature, are the object of this parade.

19 October-21 December 2019  

Michelangelo Consani.

Museo d’Inverno, Via pian d’Ovile 29, 53100, Siena.

Il Museo d’Inverno ha inaugurato la nuova stagione ospitando l’artista Michelangelo Consani, il quale, a sua volta, ha portato in mostra alcuni compagni di viaggio: artisti e amici che, a vario titolo, sono entrati a far parte della sua vita e collezione personale. in un dialogo tra pieni e vuoti, tra presenze e assenze. {...} Al centro della narrazione sono poi inclusi Piero Gilardi, Ugo La Pietra, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Robert Pettena e Pascale Marthine Tayou.

23 August 2019  
Performance at 20:00h

Voodoo Child (Eternal Return), curated by Mike Watson.

Kulttuuritalo Valve, Hallituskatu 7, PL 42, 90015 Oulu, Finland.

> See the project

Voodoo Child (Eternal Return) revisits the empty stage of the Woodstock Festival of 1969 via an audio, visual and physical performance retracing the generational cycle of hope, excess, and subsequent failure that accompanies the festival, the rave, the carnival. The movement of the performers and accompanying electronic/vj set signals resistance in the face of the inevitability of failure as each night, each party and each generational epoch must deal with the demands of everyday life and realpolitik.

April 2019  

Robert Pettena Interview

“Quello che ho visto nel modo di partecipare e di lavorare  degli artisti in residenza de La Cura è che c’è stato un bellissimo clima, una bellissima unione di intenti. È chiaro come lo spazio, questo luogo che è la Manifattura Tabacchi è una struttura e una storia che condiziona profondamente il modo di operare e di lavorare di questi ragazzi. Infatti sono usciti vari lavori in cui le riflessioni sul luogo, sullo spazio, sull’architettura, sulla memoria, sono ricorrenti.”

1-31 March 2019  

So Close So Far by Robert Pettena, curated by Suburbia Contempary Art.


So close so far "Memory is not in the present, but in the past; or we could think of it as being in the future, as a proaction of data that we have collected. In this sense, what we experience is just one perception of reality."

5-6 November 2018

Antoni Muntadas Workshop, curated by Robert Pettena.

Manifattura Tabacchi, Via delle Cascine 35, Firenze.

27 October 2018
Performance at 19:30h

We Have Nearly Lost Control, curated by Mike Watson and the assistant curator Emanuele Riccomi.

Macro Asilo, Via Nazionale 194, Roma.

> See the project

With Amos Cappuccio, Robert Pettena, Francesca Sandroni, Valeria Rugi, Ignazio Giordano, Antti Tenetz, Simone Bertugno (LOAL-League Of Art Legends) and Karima 2G. The foyer will become a dj set, vj set with electronic music, noise and performance that will transport visitors beyond the here and now, into the dissonance of loss of control that we are all experiencing in the current political chaos.

Thanks to the performers Vanessa Aguirre - Gaia Altucci - Ludovica Cadeddu - Giancarlo Chiancone - Silvia Cogotzi - Matteo Coluccia - Alice Consigli - Simone De Renzo - Cosimo Desii - Dalila Doro Mulargia - Isabella Pieroni - Priscilla Terenzi - Greta Tossani - Zoya Shokoohi

6-9 July 2018

Politics of Dissonance, curated by Mike Watson.

Via Del Pallone 4, 90133 Palermo.

> See the project

Politics of Dissonance is a festival of sound, noise, political video, and VJ performance to take place on 6,7,8,9 July bringing artists from across the world to collaborate in a performative investigation into the discord that defines our times. Drawing on dissonance both as a musical term and as a term used to describe social rupture, Politics of Dissonance invites practitioners to engage in performances and talks that focus on the role of dissonance in giving form to our times.

Opening 4  July 2018


Via Pisana 77, Firenze.

The artists Fabrizio Ajello and Professor Robert Pettena developed the Zona/Zone project, a laboratory of public art and intervention in the city of Florence, in the Photography Department of the Florence Academy of Art. The participants chose places with particular urban characteristics, but also social-aesthetic, economic and emotional significance within the Tuscan capital. Starting off with well recognised places in the historic centre of Florence (Zone) they then reflected on the complexity of the city as an organism (Area). Moving through these places one comes to understand the fragmentariness of the city, the centre now relegated to tourism with no real social life, while the locals have been forced to move out to the edges of the city, places without character or identity. The participants thought about the way the space has been divided, historic and current events, discordant notes, urban structures in relation to individuals and the community and carried out their artistic interventions both in the centre and in the outskirts of the city.

 23 June 2018

Manifattura Tabacchi Open Day

Via delle Cascine 35, 50144 Firenze.

The Tobacco Factory opens its doors to the public on the 23rd June!

There will be guided tours inside the ex-industrial complex, which explained and demonstrate the urban architectural and re-qualification project that will transform the area over the next few years.

During Open Day the public will be also told about the cultural activities that will take place over the summer: music, performances, workshops, food and drink, new work by artisans and artistic residencies.

The public can also visit the studios of the six artists in  residence who will be working in the tobacco factory from September. The project is curated by Sergio Risaliti (director of the Museo Novecento in Florence) with Robert Pettena and Paolo Parisi as tutors.

12 May 2018

Under the Stars, curated by Francesco Ozzola.

Museo Unicaja de Artes y Costumbres Populares, Malaga.

> See the installation

“Under the Stars” es un programa de tres video de artista: Stars & Stripes, Redouble de Stefano Cagol, Skin life de Rita Casdia y Crawling on the surface de Robert Pettena. Los tres artistas proporcionarán al espectador una panorámica hacía temáticas que incluyen el hombre y su esencias, bajo las estrellas de la Noche en Blanco de Malaga 2018. Desde el desafío a los miedos con el video de Robert Pettena, pasando por la vídeo animación íntima e introspectiva de Rita Casdia, hasta llegar a Stefano Cagol que con su video reinterpreta icónicamente uno de los símbolos más potentes de nuestra era.

Los vídeos se proyectarán en bucle en el marco extraordinario que es la fachada del Museo Unicaja de Artes y Costumbres Populares, situado en la Plaza Enrique Herrera, número 1, a partir de las 20.00 horas y hasta las 02.00 horas de la madrugada.

20-25 February 2018

JustMAD 2018 Edition - Emerging Art Fair.


Suburbia presents in JustMad, stand number 39, the artwork of José Medina Galeote, Giovanni Ozzola and Robert Pettena.
You will meet the artists that will be present at the stand during the week end.

Update info: ︎ @suburbiagranada

Opening 18 March 2017
20:00h, Performance 20:30h

Hunting the Baron, Personal Exhibition.

Suburbia, Granada.

> See the project

El día 18 de marzo, Suburbia, nuevo espacio expositivo en Granada, abrirá sus puertas al público a las 20:00 h, con la exposición de arte contemporáneo del artista Robert Pettena: "Hunting the Baron", a las 20:30 tendrá lugar la performance "Eroberung des Nutzlosen".

26 November 2016

Art Class War, curated by Mike Watson.

Pastificio Cerere, Roma.

> See the performance

Fondazione Pastificio Cerere presents, on Saturday 26th of November at 8 pm, Art. Class. War, an event curated by Mike Watson. The event will bring together VJ’s, performers and DJ’s to present audio, visual and performance works which address issues about social class and war in the context of art. The event is organised in collaboration with The Rome Process, a new platform created by Mike Watson which sets out to explore, through a program of events, performances and shows, the possibilities of education through art in cultural and public spaces with particular attention paid towards the city of Rome and its specific cultural traits.

23-27 May 2016

Industrial Archeology Lost and Found - Workshop con Robert Pettena.


> See the project

Il Workshop, a metà tra esperimento d’arte relazionale, intervento urbano e opera video-fotografica, è caratterizzato dal coinvolgimento diretto degli studenti in un’esperienza in situ e si propone di sollecitare il dialogo interdisciplinare tra teoria della percezione, forme e linguaggi dell’arte contemporanea.

Condotto dall’artista Robert Pettena, sarà orientato ai temi del rapporto tra percezione e fruizione dei luoghi attraverso un’indagine sul territorio palermitano che individui alcuni nodi urbani dove intercettare e riattivare tracce/voci di un passato – remoto o prossimo – in grado di riportare in superficie storie ed esperienze ormai obliate e agire così sulla psicologia collettiva e individuale.

Lunedì 23 maggio alle ore 15:00, nella Sala Blu Cobalto dei Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa,
avrà luogo un incontro pubblico con Robert Pettena che presenterà il tema del workshop.

Opening 17 September 2015

Florenz Contemporary, curated by Angelika Stepken.

Italian Ambassy, Berlin.

> See the project

February 2015

The photographs by robert pettena will then be added to the collection.

The 49 photographs by Robert Pettena (Pembury, 1970) which make up the exhibition Noble Explosion, on show at the Palazzina dei Giardini until 1st March 2015, will then be added to the Collection of the Galleria civica di Modena.

Printed in 2014, these photographs are the result of a research project made up of explorations, excursions and photocampaigns carried out in the sites of ex SIPE-Nobel factories throughout Italy, such as the production plants of Avigliana, Signa, Orbetello, Ferrania, Gallicano and in particular Spilamberto (province of Modena), to which more than 10 shots are devoted.

Opening 6 December 2014

Robert Pettena. Noble Explosion, Personal Exhibition.

Galleria Civica di Modena, Palazzina dei Giardini.

> See the project

On Saturday 6 December at 6pm at the Palazzina dei Giardini, the Galleria Civica di Modena will open the exhibition ‘Robert Pettena. Noble Explosion’, curated by Marco Pierini, co-produced together with the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena with support from the Town Council of Spilamberto (province of Modena).

For the first time in Italy, the exhibition presents a wide-ranging photo survey carried out on the SIPE-Nobel sites on Italian territory by Robert Pettena.

Opening 26 November 2011

Voglio Soltanto Essere Amato, project by MAP, curated by Gabi Sgardi, Ruth Cats.

MAGA, Gallarate VA.

> See the project

Voglio soltanto essere amato è la mostra che costituisce il secondo appuntamento espositivo del progetto MAP, Multimedia Art Platform, una piattaforma virtuale di dialogo che attraverso le voci di un nucleo di professionisti dalle competenze trasversali­ si pone l’obiettivo di aprire una riflessione sullo stato dell'arte e della cultura contemporanea.­ “Voglio solo essere amato” è il tema dell’edizione 2011 proposto da Gabi Scardi e Ruth Cats che apre il dibattito sull’importanza che l’amore riveste nella società attuale.
Il percorso è articolato in due direzioni: la mostra, che raccoglie i lavori di 37 artisti, e un tabloid contenente testi e articoli del board, i racconti degli autori selezionati e le immagini dei lavori proposti dagli artisti direttamente per l’edizione.

Opening 19-20 August 2011
Performance 20:00h

Zabriskie Point Reloaded, Personal Exhibition, curated by  Emily Barsi.

Rhizomatic,  Amsterdam, Netherlands.

> See the project

25 May 2011

Il Teatro dell'Opera, Lezioni Sceniche di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea,  curated by  Sergio Risaliti.

Teatro Studio, Scandicci.

> See the project

Si chiude venerdì 25 maggio alle ore 21 al Teatro Studio di Scandicci il fortunato ciclo Il Teatro dell’Opera, ideato da Sergio Risaliti, con la regia e drammaturgia di Giancarlo Cauteruccio, con la lezione scenica dedicata a Robert Pettena. L’artista, di stanza a Firenze, crea per questo appuntamento un’installazione site specific in cui brandelli di una roulotte demolita vengono sospesi alla graticcia in una prospettiva esplosa. In scena Fulvio Cauteruccio e il musicista rap Millelemmi leggono testi selezionati da Pettena, accompagnato dalla musica ritmata di un batterista. Mentre sui fondali scorrono immagini fotografiche e opere video dell’artista, Sergio Risaliti intervista Pettena, svelando una parte finora ignota della sua biografia. La serata si chiude con un dj che invita il pubblico a fruire dello spazio secondo una sequenza di disturbi e accadimenti sonori.

Opening 12 September 2008

Robert Pettena#Second Escape, Personal Exhibtion, curated by Pier Luigi Tazzi.

Dryphoto, Prato.

> See the project

Opening 16 February 2008

Italiani in Vacanza, curated by Pier Luigi Tazzi.

Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni Valdarno.

Opening 16 September 2001

Videonight, curated by Daria Filardo.

Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena.

© Robert Pettena 2022