Curated by Mike Watson, Galleria Rankka, Helsinki, Finland.
18 August 2019

The advance of history through all of its guises may be seen not as one leading to ever greater dominance of more and more persons by fewer and fewer barons. It may rather be seen as the gradual advance of surveillance: From the castle on the hill, to the town hall that employs a small body of local sheriffs to gather information, to an advanced state and police network, supported by the media, to, eventually, the Super-Panopticon.
No one is free from the surveillance machine, and, further, everyone finds themselves an operator of it. No Compulsion sees a woman partly disappearing, gradually obscured from public view within a fence, whilst beginning to acquire a panoptic view. She’s both controlled and in control, in much the same way as we control and are controlled by social media. When she gets up the sticks fall away.
Robert Pettena (visual artist) presents the 3rd collaboration with Ignazio Giordano (live VJ set), Francesca Sandroni Francesca Sandroni (live electronic music), Valeria Rugi (performer).